Types of Infertility

There are two types of infertility. Explained, and Unexplained.

Explained couples have a diagnosis that is preventing them from concieving. What these reasons are can be are vast. Some of the more common ones are:
Blocked tubes in either male or female, (preventing the sperm to be ejaculated out of the body, or the egg from traveling down the fallopian tube or the sperm to even get to the egg). Blockage is sometimes caused by scar tissue from STDs such as chlamydia.
Genetic disorders with the eggs or sperm (those are diverse and complex and can only be found using genetic testing),
Issues with the uterus or uteral lining,
Hormonal issues,
Ovary/testicular issues (such as Polysystic Ovarian Syndrome or testicular failure)
Sperm issues - low numbers or morphology, slow
Having a diagnosis helps the couple to decide which treatment to undertake, if any. It is helpful knowing the reasons why a couple cannot have children, but the news is always devastating. Fertility treatments may be an option, but they are never guaranteed and it is a very difficult journey for anyone going through it.

Unexplained couples have gone through the entire battery of fertility test to find that everything with both partners is in order. This is sometimes a tougher form of infertility because the couple does not know why they cannot get pregant, or why they keep miscarrying. There is always the hope that this time it will happen, and that is increadibly difficult to deal with.

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